Transformative Development

For the Community, By the Community

United Properties and First Avenue worked in partnership with the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to plan and implement a six-year community engagement process.

Through this process, the development team worked alongside North Minneapolis residents, businesses, and neighborhood leaders in developing key values and priorities to guide the redevelopment plan.

Community Engagement


Community Survey Responses


Community Meetings and Events


Years of Engagement and Planning

Community Values

Economic Inclusion
Anti-Displacement and Anti-Gentrification
Wealth Creation and Community Ownership
Affordable Housing
Environmental Justice and Sustainability
Accessibility and Mobility to and within the Site

Much More Than a Development

We worked in partnership with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to plan and implement a six-year community engagement process.

Through this process, we worked with North Minneapolis residents in developing key values and priorities to guide the redevelopment plan.

Core Values

  • Economic inclusion
  • Anti-displacement and anti-gentrification
  • Wealth creation and community ownership
  • Affordable housing
  • Environmental justice and sustainability
  • Accessibility and mobility to and within the site